
Daily Prompt: None


I saw today’s Daily prompt: NONE, and my brain froze. I tried to make a sentences in my head and could not come up with anything catchy. So I turned to Google, to get my source of inspiration. In Google, I found a lot of sentences using the word NONE, some of the sentence below are from Google.

NONE of it was real

NONE of this is true

NONE of them are

NONE of your

NONE of your business

There were several more sentences it spit out. Google is very good at spitting out a lot of information with one search word.

I tried hard trying to put something along those lines and failed to come up with any. So I decided to sleep on it, with constantly the word NONE at the back of my mind. 

 I had to catch a flight, so I decided to take uber and head out, still thinking about the word NONE. During the ride, I decided to read some of the prompt post to get my inspiration. Still I did not get the inspiration for the word NONE. After I did a curbside check in , I decided to go through security check, thank god I had TSA pre, so my security check was very quick.

 Still thinking about the word NONE, I decided to walk to my concourse, it’s about 5 to 10 mins walk between concourse. I usually come a little early to the airport so I could walk between the concourse, so I could get my steps. I forget to tell you all that, I have a Apple Watch, which I love. It keeps track of steps, exercise, stand etc on a daily basis.

 I can’t believe it that I have used NONE so many times in my post.