I can't believe it that I have more than 100 followers for my blog. I like to Thank each one of you for taking the time to read my post,

comment, like and follow my blog.

I would also appreciate if You all could get to write comments on my blog along with like. Comments help me to evaluate my contents and helps me to come up with newer ones, which would be of interest to all of you. I have made a lot of changes to my website. Please have a look and also feel free to follow me by using your email address to sign up. This link is at the end of the web page.

I have made changes to the Menu for the website and organized the post by having 6 new posts under each category in the menu. If you want to read more old post then you could click on older post link at the end of the page. Please check my website out at

http://www.sugunag.com and send in your comments.

Thank you very much to continue supporting and motivating me.